Monday, May 25, 2020

How to Manage and Identify American Beautyberry

American beautyberry has colorful berries that last long into winter and are eaten by a variety of wildlife. Beautyberry has proven to be an attractive plant for wildlife within its native range. Birds including robins, catbirds, cardinals, mockingbirds, brown thrashers, finches and towhees are favorite consumers of both the fresh berries and shriveled raisins. The fruit is heavily used by white-tailed deer and will be eaten well into late November. Specifics Scientific name: Callicarpa americanaPronunciation: kallee-CAR-pa ameri-KON-aCommon name(s): American beautyberry, beautyberry, French mulberryUSDA hardiness zones: 6 through 10Origin: native from Maryland to Florida and west through Tennessee, Arkansas, and Texas.Uses: natural garden specimen; wildlife food; spring flowersAvailability: somewhat available, may have to go out of the region to find the tree. American Beautyberrys Ecology Beautyberry commonly occurs on a wide variety of sites; moist to dry, open to shady. A favorite place for the American beautyberry is under open stands of pines. It is a pioneer and grows in newly disturbed forests, along forest margins, and along fencerows. It is somewhat fire-tolerant and increases in abundance after burns. Birds will readily spread seeds. Description Leaf: Opposite, deciduous, ovate to broadly lanceolate, 6 to 10 inches long, margins coarsely serrate to crenate except near base and hairy beneath with prominent veins.Flower: Dense axillary clusters with lavender-pink cymes on short stalks.Trunk/bark/branches: Multi-trunked, shade tolerant and with spreading branches. Stems ascending and spreading oppositely branched and young twigs light green.Fruit: The berry is a drupe, purple to violet and particularly attractive in September and October. The showy fruit clusters encircle the entire stem at regular intervals starting in late summer and persist in early winter.Propagation: As I have mentioned, seeds are bird-dispersed and this seeding is a major way the plant spreads. You can also propagate using semi-hardwood cuttings. This shrub often volunteers within its range, sometimes with such vigor that the species can be considered a pest. In-Depth American beautyberry has a coarse habit, large-toothed green to yellow-green oval-shaped leaves that turn chartreuse in the fall. Small lilac flowers appear in late summer, and for the next several months, the fruit, which grows in clusters around the stem, ripen to vibrant purple color. This woody shrub reaches 3-8 tall and is native to the southeast, where it will grow best in moist areas but can also withstand drought. In the landscape, you can prune American beautyberry if it grows too lanky. Pruning actually makes a very pretty plant. Cut it back to within 4 to 6 of the ground in early spring as it flowers and fruits on new wood. To make more beautyberries, take softwood cuttings, place them in the sand and keep moist. Cuttings should root in one to two weeks. This plant can tolerate extremes of heat and cold, it is very rarely bothered by insects or diseases and will live in most soils. Beautyberry can stand partial shade but is at its best in full sun if provided ample moisture. It will also be denser and more fruitful in the sun. American Beautyberry looks best planted in masses and is especially beautiful under pine trees or placed in a shrub border. By late summer and autumn, the flowers give rise to berry-like drupes in striking metallic shades of magenta and violet in the fall. The beautyberries are packed tightly together in clusters that encircle the stem. A variety called lactea has white fruits.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The 2012 Global Financial Crisis - 2365 Words

Introduction The 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was the worst crisis in history, and has wide range and deep effects on the world financial system and relations (Peihani 2012). The vulnerability of the world financial system was exposed from the 2008 GFC (Mohamed 2011). Hence, countries are trying to find a solution for the heavily market-relied global financial system, and protectionism has drawn the attention from a great portion of countries and researchers (Viju and Kerr 2011). Mohanmed (2011) defines protectionism as to support domestic production development, and protect it from global competitions, normally through the methods of Quota and Tariff. This paper is going to expand the findings of my previous briefing paper about the†¦show more content†¦The Congress started to increase the rate of tariff ever since, and reached its peak in 1828 of the rate of nearly 49%. Moreover, after experiencing few ups and downs from 1832 to 1842, the Congress started to decrease the rate of tariff from 1846 to 1857, to the average rate of 20%. The raise of tariff was mean to protect the local production of goods manufactured from wool, iron, hemp, lead, and glass; however, the tariff didn’t achieve its goal of promote domestic infant industries (Bruce 1998). Although the tariffs haven’t treated the American well, however the Republicans was insists on embrace protectionism. Moreover, America citizens were also opposed free trade due to the fact that protectionism could restrict imports and lower the unemployment rate (Bruce 2011). Benjamin Harrison defeated Grover Cleveland in the election of 1888, and passed the McKinley tariff in 1890 (Bruce 1998). The protectionists were arguing that not only infant industries need protections, but also mature industries. Furthermore, due to the fact that tariff was the principal source of revenue for the federal government (Bruce 1998), the Congress often avoid to use tariff for protectionist purpose, which might reduce the number of import and less the revenues (Bruce 2011). The situation has turned around since President William Howard created federal income tax (Bruce 1998), and it has soon replaced the tariff to became the principle revenue of U.S.Show MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Global Fina ncial Crisis1122 Words   |  5 Pagesreceivables and other financial assets are pooled together, with their cash flows or economic values redirected support payments on related securities.† â€Å"Securitization first emerged in the 1970s with the sale of securities backed by residential mortIn the 21st century, economic problems have incurred an increasing number of people s attention as the economic develop rapidly, and these problems are usually caused by human themselves. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Jean Paul Sartre´s Existential Philosophy Essay - 1059 Words

Jean Paul Sartres Existential philosophy posits that is in man, and in man alone, that existence precedes essence. Simply put, Sartre means that man is first, and only subsequently to his â€Å"isness† does he become this or that. The implication in Sartres philosophy is that man must create his own essence: it is in being thrown into the world through consciounsess intent, loving, struggling, experiencing and being in the world that man is alllowed to define itself. Yet, the definition always remains open ended: we cannot say that a human is definitively this or that before its death and indeed, it is the ultimate nothingness of death that being is defined. The concepts that Sartre examines in Being and Nothingness exist as part of a†¦show more content†¦There is no pre-programmed destiny, no inherent meaning in our lives. Instead, meaning arises from the individuals impetus to will freely, to do what we choose in any given moment, and to then reflect upon those choi ces and the ways in which they alter reality and the lives of others. Being and Nothingness defines every individual as just that: a lone individual. The nature of our being is truly isolated from the nature of other beings and the world around us – while our actions and essence contain an implicit interconnectedness with the world, while meaning can only come from the existence of external phenomena, our true self is like an island surrounded by impenetrable nothingness – pregnant with the potential for possibility, but always empty in-itself. There is no universal essence that can define every being, there is no divinely-inspired archetype for the human to aspire to (called the adam-kadmon in Hebrew mysticism), as the existence of such a blue-print for our essence would preclude freedom and bind us to an average, everyday homogeneity. Considerations of freedom and choice are the crux of existential philosophy, and being that Sartre is one of the primary philosophers of Existentialism, he examines both concepts with a critical eye in Being and Nothingness. Sartre states plainly that authentic choices are wholey and fully undetermined; if we choose and decide based merely upon the edicts of a religious code or some sort of secular ethicalShow MoreRelatedJean Paul : The Philosopher Of The Twentieth Century1387 Words   |  6 Pages Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre is arguably the best known philosopher of the twentieth century. He was born in Paris France on June 21st in the year 1905, and died on April 15th 1980 at age 74. He was a French philosopher, novelist, literary critic, playwright, political activist and biographer. Jean-Paul attended the École Normale Supà ©rieure from 1924-1929 and became the professor of philosophy in 1931 at Le Havre. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Environmental Law and social Impact the Project - Free Sample

Question: Discuss about the Environmental Law and social Impact. Answer: The expansion of the Townsville port was first brought up by a Master planning process in the year 2007. The stable increase in trade which was predicted for the future was one of the main driving forces behind the master plan recognizing the need to expand the port[1]. The project design has been subjected to social, economical and environmental scrutiny since the time it has been initiated. The design which had been provided in the environmental impact statement has also been subjected to review. The design required work which was probably going to be extended towards the Great Barrier Reef marine park boundaries[2]. There were many submissions against the project pointing out the validity of its needs along with many environmental impacts. The environmental and social impacts of the project included effects on local ecosystem and marine habitat resilience along with the adverse effects of the Great Barrier Reef[3]. The effects of the project on tourism friendly Townsville and magn etic islands were also pointed out in the submissions. The adequacy in relation to the proposed environmental offsets was also challenged by the submissions. The report in relation to the project expansion justifies that the growing trade requires the expansion project for the betterment of economy. The report promises sustainable development by addressing the environment impacts of the projects. The tenants and the port are promising to take up the duty of limiting dust, light and noise which may have a harmful impact on the local communities. The expansion project would also bring in over 175 constriction and 180 operational jobs. The project is set to overcome the capacity restraint of the harbor which would lead to the development of trade and economy[4]. Various risk arise out of the project such as hazard risk, cumulative risk, health and safety risk and critical infrastructure protection. Currently the coordinator-general is preparing the evaluation report in relation to envi ronmental impact statement[5]. In order to conserve the environment and heritage, assessments are undertaken with respect to Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999(EPBCAct)[6]. A person cannot go forward with an action which would have or would likely to have a serious impact in relation to the environment and other matters which are protected unless an approval is obtained from the Australian Government Minister for the Environment and Energy (the Minister). Action in the Act is defined as any development, project, activity or undertaking. The proposed action has to be referred to the minister before any steps are taken towards it. Both state and commonwealth EIS has to be prepared by the proponents addressing their requirements separately. The expansion project has to comply with both state and commonwealth guidelines on environment while preparing the EIS. With respect to state compliance the initial step is to prepare a TOR which would be available for advisory agency and public advisors . The comments made by the public and agencies are considered by the Coordinator-General and copies of the comment are given to the proponent. The availability of the prepared EIS must be made public by the proponent. The coordinator general considers the EIS and other submissions and if satisfied issues a preliminary approval only with imposed conditions. When there are no further conditions the development is approved with reasons for the statement[7]. The ESI should be made in accordance to its guidelines such as use of scientific and technical data, plan for mitigating identified risk, ensuring optimum level of investigation and defining technical terms in plain English. Various sections of EPBC Act such as section 12-18 have to be considered along with Section 20, 23 and 24. Bilateral agreements between state and commonwealth operate to better handle to issues relating to the environment by addressing both state and national needs. The current bilateral agreement allows the min ister of commonwealth to rely on EIA which is specified by the state of Queensland with respect to the EPBC Act. The hydrodynamic impact assessment is done to assess the condition of the marine environment due to the impact of the proposed project. According to the Hydrodynamic impact statement of the proposed expansion the effects are not severe in magnitudes and are limited to changed velocity magnitude with respect to reclamation areas and proposed breakwaters. According to the assessment velocity magnitude only decreases only by 0.25 m/s which is permissible with respect to the advantages of the proposed expansion project. The impact statement also does not indicate any significant change in relation to tidal current velocities due to the expansion project. A three dimensional numeric modeling was used to base evaluation of advection dispersion and hydrodynamic process. A three dimensional flexible mesh model TUFLOW was used which had the capability to handle both advection dispersion and hydrodynamic. For the purpose of representing stratification processes resulting out of the Great Barri er Reef lagoon a baroclinic model configuration was used. In order to assess the changes in wave climate a spectral wave model was used. The models have been tested and used by BMT WBM on various significant studies nlike Murray River Mouth, Gladstone Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project (coastal studies) and Pipavav Port. In order to assess the water quality and impact on marine ecosystem segment of the AEIS the dredge plume modeling results were used. The section provides a full discussion in relation to the effect of dredging plumes on the quality of water. The winding stage and the Deeping stage of sea channels and platypus is predicted to have the most significant impact from dredging process. Margin of the Magnetic Island along with conditions in relation to sensitive receptors are influenced by the entertainment of sediments by propeller wash procedure and overflow of TSHD[8]. The plumes which would be caused due to the dredging process is likely to have an impact at the local level but is not predicted to impact a large area. There is also negligible increase with respect to suspended sediment concentration at the site of the sensitive receptors. The proponents have developed a Dredge Management plan in order to mange the environmental risk arising out to the dredge process. The proponents have divided the plan in different stages according to the stages of dredge. The proponents aim to capitalize dredging activities done by plants, placing dredged material into reclamation, dredge tailwater management at the site of reclamation, general operations before decommissioning and during dredging process[9]. Maritime structures like marine pile diving, breakwaters and other structures of the reclamation based on land and a different construction environmental plan is formed to address the same. operational degrading is also not covered by the plan as it is controlled by POTLs. The plan intends to protect environmental values resulting out of long term ill effects of dredging effects on water quality. The plan also intends to minimize the impact of the project on existing marine fauna and flora including their habitats due to material placement and capital dredging activities. The plan sets out guidelines to mage waste resulting out of the process. The plan also addresses the risk of accidents such as oil spills and vessel collision which could damage the surrounding environment. The proponents have also taken steps to reduce noise from the project which could result in nuisance. The proponents have introduced technical advisory committee and environmental supervisors to take care of the issue. Yes, the measures taken by the proponents would successfully be able to mitigate the adverse effects as the effects according to the assessment are not much. The social impacts relevant to the project both beneficial and adverse have been discussed briefly in this Section. The response of the community who are affected due to the community engagement process including marine and port users along with indigenous communities has to be considered. Sufficient data needs to be included in order to help the affected state and local authorities to make informed decisions in relation to the effect of the project on business and cultural and social area of the project[10]. The primary and secondary impacts of other projects also need to be addressed at both regional and local level. Population shift and disruption of present lifestyle has to be considered. The social well being and health of the local communities have to be considered. Population influx causing drugs, violence social and cultural disruption has to be addressed[11]. The projects must also include the need of young people, women, children, aged and disabled. The project also needs t o address cultural property issues of indigenous people. The project must also consider the impact on recreational activities and marine transportation. The revenue which the project is likely to bring into the affected area has to be considered comparing it to the adverse effects. The housing and accommodation issues have to be addressed by the proponents and they must ensure that most of the operational and constructional workforce is hired from the local community in order to ensure economic development. Education and training provisions has to be included for women children and people with disability in order to minimize social adverse impact and enhance the social environment[12]. References Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council and Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand 2000, The Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality, viewed 15 December 2010 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Operational Policy Material Change in intensity or scale for an environmental relevant activity ERA 2011, viewed 24 January 2012, Policy for Vegetation Management Offsets, version 3, Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane, viewed 7 November 2011, Queensland Biodiversity Offset Policy (version 1), Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane, viewed 7 November 2011, Queensland Reconstruction Authority 2011, Temporary State Planning Policy: Planning for stronger, more resilient floodplains, Queensland Reconstruction Authority, Brisbane, viewed 23 January 2012 State Planning Policy 3/11: Coastal Protection, Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane, viewed 2 February 2012, State Planning Policy 5/10: Air, Noise and Hazardous Materials, Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane, viewed 23 January 2012, Townsville City Council 2010, Black Ross (Townsville) Water Quality Improvement Plan, Townsville City Council, Townsville, viewed 2 February 2012,